Cotacachi Again!- February 2023

Here I am back in Cotacachi, this time for a two month stay.  It is sort of a retirement test drive, just making absolutely positive that this is the spot where Giselle and I will make our home sometime in the future.  Enjoy my stories….

Back in Cotacachi! (3/2/2023) - Here I am again in my little corner of paradise - Cotacachi, Ecuador.  I arrived a couple of days ago.  The flight with Air Canada was uneventful with a short layover in Houston before landing in Quito just after midnight… Read More ...
Alone in Cotacachi (3/4/2023) - I'm five days in to my solo two month stay in Cotacachi, Ecuador.  I miss my sweetie immensely!  We chat twice daily on the phone using WhatsApp. I sometimes think this may have been a mistake, but then I take… Read More ...
A morning walkabout (3/5/2023) - I went for a walkabout this morning with friends Chuck and Susan Bussey.  According to my iPhone health app - 6700 steps.  Not bad as I was back home before 9:00AM.  The last time Giselle and I stayed here, we… Read More ...
Another walkabout… (3/6/2023) - I woke up early again today to the noise of church bells and children heading to school.  It is a real nice change to see well dressed children walking to school in nice neat uniforms and not being driven by… Read More ...
Chuck’s ‘Lemming aide’ (3/7/2023) - I went out early this morning for another walkabout, this time by myself as there was some confusion as to where I was meeting up with Chuck and Susan.  While they were wandering about town looking down every street, knocking… Read More ...
A do nothing day… (3/8/2023) - I'm retired and so am allowed to do nothing once in a while. 🙂  I woke up to the sound of raindrops so decided it wasn't a good day for a walk.  I spent a bunch of time online instead,… Read More ...
Market Day (3/9/2023) - Thursdays are market day for a lot of the expats living in Cotacachi.  There is a very well attended market held in an outdoor parkade next to one of the central squares in town.  Since the weather has dried out… Read More ...
Pickleball in Cotacachi! (3/10/2023) - While having a taste of wine yesterday at  the Fonda wine store, I ran into a nice lady from Burnaby, BC. - Eileen Floyd.  She mentioned that she played pickleball here in Cotacachi and invited me to join the online… Read More ...
A Morning Walk (3/12/2023) - I met up with Chuck and Susan Bussey again this morning for a 'short' walk.  After it was all said and done, we did over 5kilometers through a very scenic area just outside of town. After all the rain and… Read More ...
Leather Street (3/16/2023) - Many of my posts mention 'Leather Street', so named for the many stores that offer finely crafted leather products.  The actual street name is '10 de Augusto'.  I took a walk down about a three block stretch of the street… Read More ...
Cotacachi Botanical Garden (3/19/2023) - It was a great morning for a walk with high overcast clouds allowing me to see the tops of the mountains unobscured.  Chuck and Susan and I headed out towards the outskirts of town to locate the botanical gardens.  We… Read More ...
A Visit to a Craftsman Shop (3/21/2023) - While on my morning walk today I came across this shop on the road coming back into town.  I peeked into the window and there was a craftsman inside working on a carving.  He noticed me and came to the… Read More ...
Cotacachi – A Foodie’s Dream… (3/23/2023) - I went for a walk this morning to find the new supermarket in town, the San Martin Supermercado.  It is a bit of a hike for me, living in the centre of town.  It is kind of on the outskirts… Read More ...