After a wonderful stay in Latacunga at a local B&B, sorry no pictures….we headed south towards Cuenca. The road got twistier as we went, passing through many small communities, each with its own central square and church. Some of the scenery was fantastic.
We stopped for lunch in Riobamba – there was a market where there was some sort of contest between the women who all had a roast pig lunch for sale with fresh fruit drinks. The food was awesome. Riobamba has a bull fighting arena – one of the last places where you can actually watch a bullfight.
We passed through a lot of farmland with quinoa growing. Some of the views along the highway were great. At one point we stopped to view the oldest church in Ecuador – over 400 years old!
We finally made it into Cuenca. What a beautiful city. We headed directly into the old part of town where our hotel was. The streets are all still paved with cobblestones and the buildings are 100’s of years old. Our hotel was very nice, clean rooms and excellent staff that even spoke English! At $65/night, it was an awesome place!